Contemporary music
- Arcadia
for solo oboe written for 200th Anniversary of Royal Academy of Music
Premiere 20.5.2022 - A Midsummer Quartet
SCORING: 2vn, vl, vc
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 25 Jun 2016, Concentus Moraviae, Žďár Castle, Oval fresco hall in the prelature, Žďár nad Sázavou, CZ
PERFORMERS: Pavel Haas Quartet - Palingenia
for large orchestra 20′ PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter
SCORING: orch: flp, fl, fla, 2ob, ci, 2cl, clb, 2fg, cfg, 4cr, 3tr, 3tn, tu, tp, bat, ar, archi
About work:The piece was commissioned by Essen Philharmony Orchestra.
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 10 Sep 2015, Alfred Krupp Hall, Essen Philharmonic, Essen, DE
PERFORMERS: Essen Philharmonic, Tomáš Netopil (dir.) - Nachtigalls Frühlingslied
for four cellos, SCORING: 4vc, First performance in Slovakia, 18 Jun 2014, Divergencie Festival, St. Michael Parish Church, Skalica, SK
PERFORMERS: Cellomania, Jozef Lupták (vc), Jozef Podhoranský (vc), Eugen Prochác (vc), Ján Slávik (vc) - Evenodd
for wind quintet, SCORING: fl, ob, cl, fg, cr
Movements: Vivace, Cantabile, Vibrante, Sostenuto Morendo, Giocoso con umore
First performance in Slovakia: 12 Jun 2013, Divergencie Festival, St. Michael Parish Church, Skalica, SK
PERFORMERS: Istropolis Quintet - Four Movements for Piano
10′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter
SCORING: pf, About work:A comission of Terezín Music Foundation.
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 26 May 2013, Prague Spring International Music Festival, The Rudolfinum’s Dvořák Hall, Prague, CZ, PERFORMERS: Garrick Ohlsson (pf) - Dorian Gray Suite
12′, SCORING: orch, Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 21 Jun 2011, AT, PERFORMERS: European Contemporary Composers’ Orchestra, Jürgen Bruns (dir.), First performance in Slovakia: 14 Nov 2012, New Slovak Music, Large Concert Hall of the Slovak Radio, Bratislava, SK, PERFORMERS: Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mario Košik (dir.) - Theatre Music
for string orchestra, SCORING: archi, Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 15 Oct 2011, AT
PERFORMERS: Bohdan Warchal Slovak Chamber Orchestra, Ewald Danel (dir.)
First performance in Slovakia: 6 Nov 2011, SK, PERFORMERS: Bohdan Warchal Slovak Chamber Orchestra, Ewald Danel (dir.) - Duo concertante
for violin and piano, SCORING: vn, pf - Dorian Gray
Opera in three acts, TEXT: Kate Pullinger, based on Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, FIGURES: Sybil Vane (s), Mrs. Leaf (ms), Brothel Madam (ms), Dorian (t), Alan Campbell (t), James (br), Basil (bbr), Lord Henry (br), SCORING: vv, orch: 2fl (1flp), 2ob (1ci), 2cl (1clb), 2fg (1cfg), 4cr, 3tr, 3tn, tu, tp, ar, cel, bat, archi, About work:Commissioned by the Slovak National Theatre.
First performance in Slovakia: 8 Nov 2013, Melos-Ethos, Historical building of the State Theatre, Bratislava, SK, PERFORMERS: Katarína Juhásová-Štúrová (s), Terézia Kružliaková (ms), Denisa Hamarová (ms), Eric Fennell (t), Martin Gyimesi (t), František Ďuriač (br), Martin Malachovský (bbr), Pavol Remenár (br), Orchester Opery SND, Christopher Ward (dir.)
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 19 May 2015, Prague Spring International Music Festival, National Theatre, Prague, CZ
PERFORMERS: Helena Becse Szabó (s), Terézia Kružliaková (ms), Denisa Šlepkovská (ms), Eamonn Mulhall (t), Martin Gyimesi (t), Ján Ďurčo (br), Martin Malachovský (bbr), Aleš Jenis (br), Orchester Opery SND, Christopher Ward (dir.) - Concert for Violin and Orchestra
20′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter, SCORING: vn, orch: flp, fl, 2ob, cl, clb, 2fg, 2cr, tr, tn, tp, 2bat, cel, archi
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 15 Sep 2010, Gera, DE, PERFORMERS: Milan Paľa (vn), Philharmonisches Orchester Altenburg-Gera, Howard Arman (dir.)
First performance in Slovakia: 30 May 2013, Concert Hall of the Slovak Philharmonic, Bratislava, SK, PERFORMERS: Augustin Dumay (vn), Slovak Philharmonic, Emmanuel Villaume (dir.) - Sonata Tensiona
for piano, 10′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter, SCORING: pf - Musica Homonensis
SCORING: org - famisi
for piano, 4–5′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter, SCORING: pf, About work: Commissioned by the publishing house Bärenreiter.
First performance in Slovakia: 4 Sep 2011, Sunday Matinees at the Bratislava City Gallery, Mirbach Palace, Bratislava, SK
PERFORMERS: Zuzana Zamborská (pf) - LaSiFaDo
for piano, 3′ 48”, PUBLISHER: Slovak Music Bridge, SCORING: pf
First performance in Slovakia: 21 Mar 2007, SK, PERFORMERS: Ladislav Fančovič (pf) - Lux in Tenebris
for trumpet and organ, 10′ 41”, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter, SCORING: tr, org - In Conversation
for violoncello and bayan, 7–8′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter, SCORING: vc, ac, About work: The composition was ordered by Eugen Prochác (violoncello) and Rajmund Kákoni (bayan).
First performance in Slovakia: 12 Nov 2006, epoché, Mirbach Palace, Bratislava, SK, PERFORMERS: Eugen Prochác (vc), Rajmund Kákoni (ac) - Interrupted Line
for 11 players, 2006, rev. 2008, 9′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter, SCORING: ens: fl (flp), ob, cl (clb), cr, tn, vbf, 2vn, vl, vc, cb, About work:Ordered by Ostravská banda.
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 31 Oct 2006, House of Culture, Ostrava, CZ, PERFORMERS: Ostravská banda, Petr Kotík (dir.)
First performance in Slovakia: 20 Jun 2014, Night of Music, Mirror Hall of the Primate’s Palace, Bratislava, SK, PERFORMERS: Melos Ethos Ensemble, Chungki Min (dir.) - As Time Goes By
Zeitoper 010; common composition of the composers: Ľubica Čekovská, Marius Baranauskas, Age Hirv, Elia Marios Joannou, Sean Reed
TEXT: Xavier Zuber, SCORING: tr, bbr
About work: [The commission for creating the opera] I got from the State Opera in Hannover. It was a coproduction with participation of of five international authors. […] Every composer got the libretto, the basic ensemble consisted of eight players, every author got a singer and instrumentalist and had to compose an aria for this group and cca 8-minute instrumental composition for orchestra. I had luck on barythone with trumpet. A special and grateful combination. The topic of the opera results from the Einstein’s theory of relativity. The main theme is time and space as discontinual units, so much relative in all aspects. […] In the opera there are dialogues on this theme, which create the axis of opera. All the action is situated to staircase, passages or bureaus, what isn’t usual, but in the final shape it’s expressive. In addition, to the audience the sujet of opera evoked actual political situation in Germany. - Movements
Aria of Exhaustion for trumpet and bassbaritone solo voice (4–5′), Polyphone Utopie for solo bass baritone (8–9′)
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 29 Sep 2005, Hannover, DE, PERFORMERS: Hans-Peter Scheidegger (bbr), Jochen Dittmann (tr), members of the Hannover State Orchestra, Johannes Harneit (dir.) - Shadow Scale
for orchestra, 10′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter, SCORING: orch: 2fl (flp), 2ob, cl, clb, 2fg, 2cr, 2tr, tp, bat, archi
About work:The composition was ordered by the Picardie Orchestra in Amiens for the european project The One. The premiere was realized in the beginning of the year 2006 in France with Slovak Sinfonietta and conductor Oliver von Dohnányi. (author)
First performance in Slovakia: 2 Mar 2006, Fatra House of Arts, Žilina, SK, PERFORMERS: Slovak Sinfonietta Žilina, Oliver Dohnányi (dir.)
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 10 Mar 2006, European project The One, Eglise Saint Crépin, Château-Thierry, FR
PERFORMERS: Slovak Sinfonietta Žilina, Oliver Dohnányi (dir.) - Postludium
for chamber ensemble, 4′ 34”, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter
SCORING: ens: fl, ob, cl, fg, cr, mb/ar, 2vn, vl, vc, cb
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 28 May 2005, Berlin, DE, PERFORMERS: Leipzig Sinfonietta, Johannes Harneit (dir.) - Adorations
for large symphony orchestra, 14′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter
SCORING: orch: 2fla, flp, 2ob, ci, 2cl, clb, 2fg, cfg, 4cr, 3tr, 3tn, tu, tp, ar, vbf, mb, cpl, cmp, 5pto, tbl, inc, 4tam, tno, gc, trg, archi
About work:Invitation to create a composition for big symphony orchestra represents for young composer a special occasion and I`m grateful to SF for their confidence. When I started to compose this work, I had cheerful but also sorrowful moments in my life. My son was born and in the same time I lost a few poeple, which I loved very much. Two moments in the life of people emphasized by the strong emotions. Pleasure, sorrow, celebration, nostalgy … also about that are my personal Adorations. (author, in: Bulletin Slovak Philharmonic)First performance in Slovakia: 25 May 2006, Concert Hall of the Slovak Philharmonic, Bratislava, SK, PERFORMERS: Slovak Philharmonic, Vladimír Válek (dir.)
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 31 May 2006, Prague Spring International Music Festival, Prague, CZ, PERFORMERS: Slovak Philharmonic, Vladimír Válek (dir.) - Kuckucks Winterlied
for four cellos, 10′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter, SCORING: 4vc
About work:The composition was ordered by the Themis Ensemble from Austria.
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí, 2005, PERFORMERS: Themis Ensemble - Concerto (Two portraits)
for piano and orchestra, 17′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter
SCORING: pf, orch: fl, ob, cl, fg, cr, tr, tn, 2bat, archi, About work: Commissioned by the Melos-Ethos festival.) - Movements:
I. (10′), II. (7′), First performance in Slovakia: 11 Nov 2003, Melos-Ethos, Small concert studio of the Slovak Radio, Bratislava, SK
PERFORMERS: Miki Skuta (pf), Orkiestra Muzyki Nowej, Szymon Bywalec (dir.) - The Song
for cello and piano, SCORING: vc, pf, First performance in Slovakia: 30 Nov 2002, SK
PERFORMERS: Jozef Podhoranský (vc), Marián Lapšanský (pf) - Six songs for soprano and piano
SCORING: s, pf, Movements: Autumn Song, A Sonnet of the Moon, Dance, The Dying Day, The Storm Wind, At Day-Close in November
First performance in Slovakia: 30 Nov 2002, Congress Hall, Piešťany, SK, PERFORMERS: Lenka Brázdilíková (s), Mária Heinzová (pf) - Dialogues
SCORING: tn, pf - Turbulence Op. 11
for orchestra, 1999–2000, rev. 2007, 9′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter
SCORING: orch: fl (flp, fla), 2ob (1ci), 2cl (1clb), 2fg (1cfg), 4cr, 3tr, 4tn, tu, 4bat, tp, ar, archi
Prvé uvedenie v zahraničí: 3. 2000, Arvo Pärt Festival, Royal Academy of Music, London, GB, PERFORMERS: Royal Academy Symphony Orchestra, Edward Gardner (dir.)
First performance in Slovakia: 5. 2007, SK, PERFORMERS: Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Oliver Dohnányi (dir.) - Piece for String Orchestra Op. 7
10′, SCORING: archi, - Arctic Descent Op. 8,
for 12 woodwinds, 8′, SCORING: fl (fla, flp), 2ob (1ci), 2cl (1clb), 2fg (1cfg), - On First Looking into Chapmans Homer Op. 6
7′ 30”, TEXT: John Keats, SCORING: CF - Fragment and Elegies
for string orchestra, 1997, rev. 2004, 8′, PUBLISHER: Bärenreiter, SCORING: archi, First performance in Slovakia: 13 Nov 2004, New Slovak Music, SK
PERFORMERS: Bratislava Chamber Soloists, Oskar Rózsa (dir.) - Fragment and Elegies Op. 4
for solo accordion, 9′, SCORING: ac - One Minute for solo Trombone
SCORING: tn - Composition for Trumpet and Piano Op. 2
12′, SCORING: tr, pf - Dark Op. 5
for oboe and piano
6′, SCORING: ob, pf - Brown’s Motion Op.3
5′, SCORING: fl, fg, pf, First performance in Slovakia: 14 Nov 1997, Melos-Ethos, Small concert studio of the Slovak Radio, Bratislava, SK
PERFORMERS: Monika Duarte Štreitová (fl), Adriana Wessová (fg), Ľubica Čekovská (pf) - At Day-Close in November Op. 9
3′, TEXT: Thomas Hardy, SCORING: ms, pf - Der Tod und das Mädchen Op.10
3′, TEXT: Mathias Claudius, SCORING: br, pf - Close Harmony
SCORING: CM - Five Miniatures for Piano Op. 1
6′, SCORING: pf, About work: Dedicated to Viera Doubková
Photo by Nelya Agdeeva